VisualArt Video Clip Explore 2D and 3D projects while becoming familiar with various mediums including pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking. Discover the elements and principles of design, learn ways to develop ideas and personal expression and explore contemporary and historic art. This is a great foundational course… Read more
Art Studio 12/ Dual Credit with Camosun Dual Credit Studio Art allows students the opportunity to receive a credit for Art Studio 12 as well as a Camosun Art credit that is transferable to some post-secondary institutions. Students will work with both a Reynolds instructor and a College Professor to… Read more
Media Art Video Media arts explores elements and principles of design using a variety of different mediums and technologies. This includes but is not limited to cameras, computers, software, props, video production, layout and design, graphics and images and new emerging media processes. Students will develop their skills through individualized… Read more
Media Design is a hands-on course where students learn about, create, assess, and curate design from the past, present, and future.Students will have the opportunity to design and investigate topics including architecture, urban planning, greeting cards, cars, commercials, fashion, patterns, fonts, airplanes, shoes, logos, movie sets, transport maps, and anything… Read more
Photography video This class introduces students to the world of photography through both 35mm film and digital photography. Students will learn technical use of cameras, camera equipment, dark-room printing and digital photo editing through programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Students will use photography to learn about the design principles of… Read more
Continuing to build on the skills developed in Photography 11, students will start to work more independently to develop thematic works more in depth that reflect personal, cultural, social, environmental and historical contexts. Students will have the opportunity to work primarily with their preference of 35mm film or digital photography… Read more
Senior Studio Arts is the opportunity for students to refine their artistic skills from a variety of different styles. Students will be given the chance to start to explore their own artistic ideas through a variety of different mediums and materials such as working with large canvases, making pottery on… Read more
sculpture video Studio Arts 3D is the study of art through three-dimensional sculpture. This includes hand building ceramics, pottery wheel and other mixed mediums. Projects will include pre-production designing, hands on creating, finishing such as glazes and firing processes, and reflections on the works of art. Students will explore studio… Read more
This foundation course introduces you to the art program at Reynolds. Explore 2D and 3D projects while becoming familiar with various mediums including pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking. Discover the elements and principles of design, learn ways to develop ideas and personal expression and explore contemporary and historic… Read more
Band Program
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a band program in the previous year or admission through audition Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students study the basic elements of music and its history through performance and discussion of a variety of… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of band in the previous year or admission through audition. Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition and mastery of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. The study of the elements of music and its history and literature through performance and discussion are also… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of band in the previous year or admission through audition. Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition and mastery of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. The study of the elements of music and its history and literature through performance and discussion are also… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a band program in the previous year or admission through audition Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students study the basic elements of music and its history through performance and discussion of a variety of… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 9 or Band 10 or the permission of the instructor Jazz band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 11 or Band 12 or the permission of the instructor. Jazz Band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 11 or Band 12 or the permission of the instructor. Jazz Band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 9 or Band 10 or the permission of the instructor Jazz band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Out of time table.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior music course at Reynolds including Strings and Choir and the recommendation of the instructor. Music Composition 11 and 12 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in other Senior Music courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo,… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior music course at Reynolds including Strings and Choir and the recommendation of the instructor. Music Composition 11 and 12 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in other Senior Music courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo,… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other music course Music Composition 9 and 10 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in the other Band courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo format. The primary focus of these courses is improvisation and the creation of… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior Instrumental music course at Reynolds including Strings and the recommendation of the instructor Students enrolled in this course participate in the musical theatre productions. Enrollment is based on the needs of the production yearly. Auditions and formation of the ensemble will occur in mid-October…. Read more
Business Education
Accounting is the language of business! This is an excellent course for students considering careers in the business sector. Even if you do not want to be an accountant, the language of accounting is everywhere – both in your personal and future work life. You will learn a lot of… Read more
This course is recommended for students commencing high school who would like to further develop their computer skills and also have an interest in business. Students will learn how to manage files, produce documents, prepare spreadsheets and design presentations. Course content is taught through a business lens where students start… Read more
Economics 12 is a fun and interesting course that examines the study of human behavior in a financial context with a focus on three key questions. First, why do people do what they do? Second, how do financial systems and economies work? And third, how do people and financial systems… Read more
Explore the risks, rewards, and opportunities of entrepreneurship as you take a business or product of your design from invention/innovation to marketplace in this course. This course take a hands-on, project-based approach to learning using the process of design thinking as a framework. Topics of study include: Business Fundamentals economic… Read more
This course will allow students to explore the new and changing world of marketing. Students are encouraged to use creative marketing skills in and around the school through a number of different and exciting ways. The purpose of the program: Develop and market Reynolds school wear. … Read more
Career & Community Programs
Online planning 10 is combined with Environmental Sustainability 11 for a dual credit. Completing this online planning course will earn you dual credit for Planning (Planning for Graduation, Planning for future Education, Planning for a Career, Planning Finances, Planning for Health), and an Environment & Sustainability Course through Be the… Read more
Career Education
Career Life Connections and Capstone 12 is a required course for graduation that all grade 12 students take. The course has an online format where all assignments and explanations are located in a Google Classroom. Tutorials and information sessions take place throughout the year to allow students to talk to… Read more
Career Life Education 10 (CLE 10) is a required course for graduation and replaces Planning 10. It is strongly recommended that students complete this course in their grade 11 year as students are now at a point in their life when the course concepts are more relevant. CLE 10 is… Read more
The Ministry of Education recognizes that learning also occurs outside the school setting. You may earn credit by course equivalency or external credits if you have completed recognized programs and/or certification. Please check with a school counsellor or administrator to determine the documentation needed to be awarded credits. Examples of… Read more
The purpose of the course is to share scholarship opportunities and learn how to prepare the best possible application package. Students meet outside the timetable during the lunch period. Assignments include researching scholarships, writing resumes, letters, completing scholarship applications and preparing for interviews. Students receive weekly updates via email as… Read more
Grade 11 and 12 students can earn 4 – 8 credits depending on the number of volunteer, paid and/or career exploration hours completed. A minimum of 100 hours of work experience in school-approved work placements are required for each course. Hours may be used from your current job after registering for… Read more
Career Program
Check out this short video about this course. The CP Rec Program aims to: Enhance students understanding of the human body and science, and their impact on sport. Provide a link between PE 9-12 and potential careers. Enhance student understanding of the role and impact that Sport and Recreation… Read more
Career Program: Recreation, Sport and Health Services (CP Rec)
Check out this short video about this course. The CP Rec Program aims to: Enhance students understanding of the human body and science, and their impact on sport. Provide a link between PE 9-12 and potential careers. Enhance student understanding of the role and impact that Sport and Recreation… Read more
Centre for Soccer Excellence
This course is for students with an interest in recreation and physical education. The emphasis of this course is to explore a wide range of lifetime sport and leisure activities not generally offered in Physical Education at the junior level. Examples of activities include yoga, curling, kayaking, sailing and rock… Read more
This grade 12 course is an extension of Physical Education 11. The intent of this course is to give students a broader background, theory and practical skills to enter level 1 coaching certification courses.
The Centre for Soccer Excellence is a way for students to combine academic goals with high quality soccer instruction, coaching and mentoring. Entry into the academy is by application. Accepted students will select from the courses below that are appropriate to their grade level. Students receive combined instruction in Principles… Read more
Continued development of individual athletic skills and team play; an understanding of game strategy, officiating skills and continued emphasis on healthy living, personal development and leadership skills.
Students receive a combined 200 hours of instruction in Principles of Soccer and Physical Education. These hours are a combination of on-field and classroom instruction. Areas of instruction include sport science, fitness, nutrition, strength training, sport physiology, sport psychology, time-management, goal setting, leadership skills, coaching philosophies, and rules of the… Read more
Prerequisite: Registration in Concert Choir as well as approval of the director. This performance group is for experienced singers looking to take their work to the next level and work in a more independent setting. Much of the repertoire will be selected with the director and students will work in… Read more
Prerequisite: Registration in Concert Choir as well as approval of the director. This performance group is for experienced singers looking to take their work to the next level and work in a more independent setting. Much of the repertoire will be selected with the director and students will work in… Read more
Out of time table
Computer Education
This course is recommended for students commencing high school who would like to further develop their computer skills and also have an interest in business. Students will learn how to manage files, produce documents, prepare spreadsheets and design presentations. Course content is taught through a business lens where students start… Read more
Computer Studies 10 is an ideal course for students who enjoy working with computers. There is no prerequisite. This is an excellent course for students interested in careers in technology, such as Programming, Engineering, Science, Digital Animation, Game Development, and Robotics. Topics may include: Website development, using HTML5 and JavaScript… Read more
This is an excellent course for students in grades 11 and 12 who are interested in careers in technology, such as Programming, Engineering, Science, Digital Animation, Game Development, and Robotics. Students who have a strong interest or ability in computers will continue to explore and learn current and advanced technologies… Read more
This is an introductory course to learn and practice the computer skills that are useful in school and our digital world. Projects will have students learning and creating in many different areas, which may include the following topics: Create graphics and charts Digital image editing Website design in HTML 3D… Read more
Media Design is a hands-on course where students learn about, create, assess, and curate design from the past, present, and future.Students will have the opportunity to design and investigate topics including architecture, urban planning, greeting cards, cars, commercials, fashion, patterns, fonts, airplanes, shoes, logos, movie sets, transport maps, and anything… Read more
The global video games industry has more than doubled in value in the past decade. Over 200,000 new tech jobs will be created in Canada next year. Games and web applications are exciting places to learn and apply programming skills. This course is appropriate for students who either have a… Read more
Are you a creative individual that likes solve problems/puzzles and to tinker? Do you want to create something that not only looks impressive, but also SENSES it’s environment, REACTS to stimuli, makes DECISIONS and MOVES. Do you just think robots are COOL (because they are!) and would like to build… Read more
Dual Credit Courses
This class is a history of post-WWII twentieth century world history. The course focuses on themes related to the cold war rivalry between the USA and USSR, Decolonization in Africa and Asia, protracted (and prolonged) conflicts in the Middle East, the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former… Read more
Art Studio 12/ Dual Credit with Camosun Dual Credit Studio Art allows students the opportunity to receive a credit for Art Studio 12 as well as a Camosun Art credit that is transferable to some post-secondary institutions. Students will work with both a Reynolds instructor and a College Professor to… Read more
Online planning 10 is combined with Environmental Sustainability 11 for a dual credit. Completing this online planning course will earn you dual credit for Planning (Planning for Graduation, Planning for future Education, Planning for a Career, Planning Finances, Planning for Health), and an Environment & Sustainability Course through Be the… Read more
Camosun Dual Credit Psychology 12 Credit / Psychology 154 Interpersonal Relations. This course offers students the chance to receive credit for both Psychology 12 and Psychology 154 at Camosun College. . These postsecondary credits transfer to many other post-secondary institutes. The course will be within the regular timetable, but will… Read more
English Language Arts
Do you like to write, and express yourself in a variety of formats? Students will engage with the craft of writing by exploring various forms of fiction, including short-story, poetry, drama and essay. Through reading, self and peer edits, work shopping, as well as assessment and analysis, students will gain… Read more
Recommended Prerequisite: English 11 This course will have an emphasis on the critical appreciation of world literature, including short stories, novels, drama, essays and poetry, with a view to developing recognition of motivations and themes as well as practice in clear, effective expression, including multi paragraph compositions, reports and essays…. Read more
With connection to the core competencies of Personal/Social Thinking and Communication, the focus of this course is the production of clear spoken and written language. Various forms of writing will be reviewed: description, narration and exposition. Literary works including short stories, novels, non-fiction, poetry and drama will be studied both… Read more
Click here to watch a video about this course. Do you love to read and want to examine new authors and genres? Students will explore, discuss and critique a variety of texts through specific themes, genres, and literary theories. Students will write for a multitude of purposes and audiences while… Read more
Please note: this is a full-year, eight credit course. Students receive English First Peoples 11 or 12 AND Explorations of Social Studies 11 or B.C. First Peoples 12 Students earn their English 11 or English 12 credit by taking this course. This multi-age cohort course weaves story, history, literature,… Read more
This class supports and encourages ELL students to compare their native country to the richness and diversity of Canada. This course will also allow students to become more aware of Canadian culture, inclusive of Aboriginal history, European settlement, immigration and refugee settlement and to better understand why Canada embraces multiculturalism…. Read more
Literary Studies 12 is a course designed to allow students to delve deeply into literature through a variety of texts. Students may explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. A range of literary topics offered, such… Read more
Are you social media savvy and interested in non traditional formats? Students will study the conventions of graphic novels, video games, podcasts, and social media. As well, students will examine the impact of media on the individual and society. This class aims to navigate the changing world of modern communication… Read more
Do you like to talk, tell stories, write, and sing? Within a supportive community, students will have the chance to work individually and collaboratively to explore and create personally relevant and engaging oral and written texts. To help with this, students will read, listen to, and study compositions by other… Read more
Recommended Prerequisites: English 10 Yearbook students will participate in the challenging and rewarding experience of planning, organizing, editing, and publishing the school yearbook. Modern stylistic journalism skills and techniques are used such as journalistic and creative writing, digital photography, graphic design and layouts, and desktop publishing using the industry-quality programs… Read more
Environmental Studies
The overall goal of this course is to educate students about the environment and their place in it. The course aims to show how actions can have a positive or a negative effect on our environment (both locally and globally) and thus empower youth to take responsibility and leadership in… Read more
Fine Arts
Prerequisite: Registration in Concert Choir as well as approval of the director. This performance group is for experienced singers looking to take their work to the next level and work in a more independent setting. Much of the repertoire will be selected with the director and students will work in… Read more
Prerequisite: Registration in Concert Choir as well as approval of the director. This performance group is for experienced singers looking to take their work to the next level and work in a more independent setting. Much of the repertoire will be selected with the director and students will work in… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a band program in the previous year or admission through audition Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students study the basic elements of music and its history through performance and discussion of a variety of… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of band in the previous year or admission through audition. Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition and mastery of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. The study of the elements of music and its history and literature through performance and discussion are also… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of band in the previous year or admission through audition. Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition and mastery of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. The study of the elements of music and its history and literature through performance and discussion are also… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a band program in the previous year or admission through audition Band courses are a continuation of the acquisition of performance skills on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Students study the basic elements of music and its history through performance and discussion of a variety of… Read more
Out of time table
This is a course for students to develop their acting tools: voice, movement, concentration, interpretation, critical thinking, research, characterization, memorization, writing, improvisations, directing and staging. The conventions and history of the stage from ancient Greek theatre to Elizabethan Drama provide a framework for this course which then examines the themes… Read more
Theatre Performance 12 is similar to its prerequisite at the grade 11 level. While students from both grades work together in the same classroom, there is an expectation that grade 12 students will, on occasion, work as directors and provide leadership to the less experienced members of the class. Students… Read more
Movement, improvisation, mime, interpretation of music, role-play, video work, script writing and analysis, and character development are some of the topics student will experience. Much of this work will require group work, so students must be prepared to work cooperatively.
Go beyond basic class videos and start making films that include multiple cameras, green screens and other special effects. Targeted skills include script writing, acting, directing, cinematography, and post production sound and editing. Students will have the opportunity to produce films that are part of school news and events as… Read more
Film Studies Promo Video There is perhaps no better medium than film for its ability to engage an audience in lives, worlds and realities that are far from their own. Great film is an escape, a pause from the everyday that enables us to connect with stories. With great films… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 9 or Band 10 or the permission of the instructor Jazz band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 11 or Band 12 or the permission of the instructor. Jazz Band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 11 or Band 12 or the permission of the instructor. Jazz Band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in Band 9 or Band 10 or the permission of the instructor Jazz band is offered as an enrichment to the other Band courses. Students will be introduced to various music styles associated with Jazz and World music genres as well as to concepts of improvisation appropriate in… Read more
Out of time table.
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior music course at Reynolds including Strings and Choir and the recommendation of the instructor. Music Composition 11 and 12 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in other Senior Music courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo,… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior music course at Reynolds including Strings and Choir and the recommendation of the instructor. Music Composition 11 and 12 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in other Senior Music courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo,… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other music course Music Composition 9 and 10 are offered as enrichment courses for students enrolled in the other Band courses. Students will study composition through performance in a small ensemble, Jazz Combo format. The primary focus of these courses is improvisation and the creation of… Read more
Prerequisite: Enrolment in any other Senior Instrumental music course at Reynolds including Strings and the recommendation of the instructor Students enrolled in this course participate in the musical theatre productions. Enrollment is based on the needs of the production yearly. Auditions and formation of the ensemble will occur in mid-October…. Read more
Every year Reynolds Theatre performs a musical for parents and the surrounding community. Past performances include Music Man, Grease, and Guys and Dolls. Students are not required to have any formal singing or dancing experience to participate in this course, but they must be willing to do both. Rehearsals occur… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Senior Studio Arts is the opportunity for students to refine their artistic skills from a variety of different styles. Students will be given the chance to start to explore their own artistic ideas through a variety of different mediums and materials such as working with large canvases, making pottery on… Read more
This course offers credit within the theatre framework. Set design and construction, stage management, makeup, lighting, front of house management, and costume management are all part of what goes on behind the scenes in a production. Students will complete this course outside the timetable by working on one or more… Read more
This foundation course introduces you to the art program at Reynolds. Explore 2D and 3D projects while becoming familiar with various mediums including pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking. Discover the elements and principles of design, learn ways to develop ideas and personal expression and explore contemporary and historic… Read more
Foundations of Mathematics
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations & Pre-Calculus Math 10. A final grade of 60% or higher in Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10 is strongly recommended.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics 11.
French Immersion Program
Recommended for French Immersion students or students fluent in French This course is geared towards FRIM students, with the expectation that a foundation and understanding of what is required to learn a language is already in place. Spanish 9 and 10 curricula are compressed and delivered at a faster pace,… Read more
This is a survey course allowing students to study a variety of subjects within the Social Studies discipline. Topics include, but are not limited to : Human and Physical geography Economic theory Philosophy Political studies
Students will continue explore and analyze texts in order to understand the social, cultural and historical contexts. Registers of language Characteristics of short stories Poetic elements Semantic fields Idiomatic and regional expressions Possessive and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Past tense hypothetical sentences Active and passive voices
Students will explore and analyze different francophone texts in French to understand the implicit and explicit messages and to deepen their understanding of the cultures that produced them. Literal and figurative meanings Characteristics of the novel, fable and stylistic devices How to communicate to a specific audience Registers of language… Read more
Students will use their knowledge of francophone language and culture to understand their place in the French speaking world. Communication strategies that enable students to communicate effectively in different specialized contexts Denotation and connotation Stylistic devices Symbolism Essay writing Blogs Citations
The French Immersion program at Reynolds allows students currently enrolled in an early or late French Immersion Program to continue their studies and work towards obtaining a Dual Dogwood. The purpose of the French Immersion program is to give non-francophone students the opportunity to develop functional bilingualism. The French Immersion program differs… Read more
This course gives students the opportunity to develop their language abilities through the exploration of language and culture from the Francophone world, and is organized around the following themes: Oral communication including plays, debates, discussions Language and francophone culture including customs and traditions Media and digital communication including social media,… Read more
DNA, patterns of inheritance and mechanisms for diversity of life Applied genetics and ethical implications Chemical reactions Nuclear energy and radiation Energy, potential, kinetic and transformation Formation of the universe Astronomy
Sexual and asexual reproduction Elements and their properties Compounds Circuits Voltage, currents and resistance Matter cycles Sustainability systems and First People’s knowledge of interconnectedness and sustainability
Canada and the world from 1918-the present. Canadian government and politics Global armed conflicts Conflict within Canada Canadian identity Human-environment interactions
Canada and the world from 1750-1919. Revolutions and rebellions Colonialism in North America Geography of North America Canadian Confederation Western expansion and British Columbia
Home Economics
Thinking about becoming a parent, daycare worker, early childhood educator, nurse, or teacher? This program takes you from the decision to parent through pregnancy, childbirth and the raising of children. You will get to take part in an infant care simulation and continue to study children’s development from infancy until… Read more
Culinary Arts is a for-credit, out-of-the timetable course that will help you develop skills, organizational strategies and knowledge in the field of culinary arts. We will focus on food safety, learning various cooking techniques as well as learning about food preservation practices, meal planning and preparation. This course is designed to… Read more
What do playgrounds, interior design and relationships have in common? The answer is this course! Are you interested in working with children and families? Do you want to further develop your skills in communication and collaboration? Do you like to design and create things for others? Are you interested in… Read more
Do you have a passion for fashion? Is a career in fashion in your future? Fashion Industry 12 is an introduction to the knowledge and development of skills necessary to work in the fashion industry. Students will become familiar with current fashion trends, local designers, the principles of design and… Read more
This course includes lunch, dinner, desserts and so much more. You will make a variety of baked goods, breads, pizza, pasta, stir fries and holiday treats. The Food Safe Course, an asset for employment in the food services industry, is offered at the 9/10 level.
Dazzle your family and friends with your cooking skills! You will prepare breakfasts, lunches and dinners as well as foods for special occasions. Learn the essentials of preparing sumptuous cinnamon buns, pastry and some great desserts.
Students will learn to prepare more elaborate “everyday” meals as well as foods for special occasions and a variety of cuisines from around the world. Students will have many opportunities to practice culinary skills and will be provided with “recipes for life”. You will acquire the knowledge and skills needed… Read more
Are you interested in how people live? Do you have an eye for design? This course will look at the social, political, economic and environmental concerns that shape how and where people live. Throughout the course students will explore their own personal design interests, and how they can be applied… Read more
Please see Heather Coey if you are interested in this course offered to grade 10-12 students.
If you love to make things to use, wear, or decorate your space- this is the course for you! This course gives you the opportunity to interact with the design process through the creation of various sewing, dying, craft/home decor items. Whether you are a beginner or experienced sewist, you… Read more
Do you love to sew? Do you love handmade objects? Do you want to save textile items from the landfill and give it new life? Take your basic sewing skills to the next level with Textiles 11. This textiles course is for the INTERMEDIATE sewer and is open to the… Read more
Do you think about sewing all the time, and always want to be making the perfect garment? This course is for students who are INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED sewists who are self-motivated and who have a passion for fashion! Students should be able to sew independently, are familiar with commercial pattern use… Read more
A course unlike any other! In this course you will learn to create artwork and crafts using a variety of fabric and fibre techniques, such as knitting, embroidery, felting, weaving, quilting, beading and macrame. You will be introduced to creative processes and become familiar with the tools and equipment used… Read more
Interested in learning to sew? This textiles course is designed for BEGINNING sewing students who have little or no previous experience. Develop your hand and machine sewing skills while learning about fabrics and design. Explore your creative side, while learning the foundations of garment construction, embellishment and applying the elements… Read more
What do playgrounds, interior design and relationships have in common? The answer is this course! Are you interested in working with children and families? Do you want to further develop your skills in communication and collaboration? Do you like to design and create things for others? Are you interested in… Read more
Recommended Prerequisites: English 10 Yearbook students will participate in the challenging and rewarding experience of planning, organizing, editing, and publishing the school yearbook. Modern stylistic journalism skills and techniques are used such as journalistic and creative writing, digital photography, graphic design and layouts, and desktop publishing using the industry-quality programs… Read more
Do you organize activities for your friends and family? Do you enjoy scorekeeping at sports events? Do you follow the stats of your favorite sport? Do you like working with others to make things happen? If so, ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP! This course is designed for students who have an interest in sports and… Read more
Our mission is to gather together as a group of individuals and through teamwork, skill development and training, engage in the organizing, planning and follow-through of events and activities in order to contribute to both our school and broader community, while in the process undergoing personal positive growth.Be part of… Read more
Peer Tutoring 11/12 “When you get, give. When you learn, teach.” Maya Angelou Are you someone who likes…… Helping other students? Strengthening your strengths? Expanding your academic and social circles? Learning how the brain works best? Having meaningful experiences to add to your resume? Building crucial “soft” skills? Having a… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Math 11. Welcome to the wonderful world of calculus—a subject steeped in 350 years of tradition and clarification, and one which has revolutionized science, engineering, and of course mathematics. This course covers approximately half of the material in a typical first year university Calculus course… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations & Pre-Calculus Math 10. A final grade of 60% or higher in Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10 is strongly recommended.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics 11.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 9.
This course is designed to give students the appropriate skills needed for any of the streams listed below. Curriculum includes algebra, rational expressions, linear inequalities, circle geometry, surface area and statistics.
Students are offered the opportunity to work on math skills necessary for success in Principles of Math 9. Instruction will be a blend of individual assistance and group work. Students are selected through consultation with grade 8 teachers, parents, and Reynolds Administration.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10. A final grade of 67% or higher in Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10 is strongly recommended. Students with less than 67% should consult with their teacher before choosing this course; students with less than 67% who need to take Pre-Calculus… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Math 11. A final grade of 67% or higher in Pre-calculus 11 is strongly recommended. We also recommend that students taking Pre-calculus 12 who are planning on a post-secondary program in math, science, engineering, or commerce/business should also take Calculus 12.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 9.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 10.
Modern Languages
Recommended for French Immersion students or students fluent in French This course is geared towards FRIM students, with the expectation that a foundation and understanding of what is required to learn a language is already in place. Spanish 9 and 10 curricula are compressed and delivered at a faster pace,… Read more
Recommended Prerequisite: French 9 Topics covered include: Survival challenges for students traveling to a Francophone milieu Students explore unique and interesting careers while learning about the many contributions of immigrants to Canada. Students learn about and discuss the key elements of the media. Students research, read and discuss urban legends… Read more
In French 11, students explore the French language in a wide variety of contexts in order to be able to engage in meaningful conversations on a variety of topics of interest. Students will work on developing their oral and written fluency.
In French 12, students continue exploring the language in different contexts. This class is designed to be meaningful and useful for travelling or living in a Francophone environment. All aspects of the language as well as Francophone culture are explored in this course.
Parlez-vous français? Sharpen your communication skills with this interactive language class. Learn to speak, read and write “en francais” while exploring the Francophone culture and lifestyle. Students will engage in active listening and practice their French speaking. Great on resumes and handy when travelling! Bon voyage!
Prerequisite: Spanish 9 This academic course continues to build upon the foundation of Spanish 9. In addition to learning more interesting and useful Present tense verbs, the Preterite is covered and applied. The building blocks of grammar are more carefully studied and used, and vocabulary is expanded. Documentaries and film… Read more
Prerequisite: Spanish 10 Students are expected to have a solid foundation of Spanish for this course. Although much of the previous material will be revisited, more emphasis is placed on oral communications and aural comprehension. The Imperfect is introduced, allowing for more complexity in talking and writing about past events. … Read more
Prerequisite: Spanish 11 Emphasis on aural and oral comprehension and communication are key aspects of the course. Previous material is applied and augmented. More tenses, such as Subjunctive and Conditional are learned, allowing for more versatility and texture in expression and literacy overall. Research and presentation with a focus on… Read more
This academic course provides a foundation for Spanish oral, aural and written communication. Along with covering core material (essential Present Tense verbs, grammar and commonly used vocabulary), elements of Hispanic culture, both historical and modern day are included. The goal of the course is to give students the tools and… Read more
Outside the timetable
Our mission is to gather together as a group of individuals and through teamwork, skill development and training, engage in the organizing, planning and follow-through of events and activities in order to contribute to both our school and broader community, while in the process undergoing personal positive growth.Be part of… Read more
Culinary Arts is a for-credit, out-of-the timetable course that will help you develop skills, organizational strategies and knowledge in the field of culinary arts. We will focus on food safety, learning various cooking techniques as well as learning about food preservation practices, meal planning and preparation. This course is designed to… Read more
The overall goal of this course is to educate students about the environment and their place in it. The course aims to show how actions can have a positive or a negative effect on our environment (both locally and globally) and thus empower youth to take responsibility and leadership in… Read more
This course is offered to grade 11 and 12 students who want to improve their level of fitness. Completion of the course also satisfies the physical activity portion of the Graduation Transition Plan. Strength training and conditioning will provide instruction regarding a healthy, active lifestyle. It will incorporate all aspects… Read more
Peer Tutoring 11/12 “When you get, give. When you learn, teach.” Maya Angelou Are you someone who likes…… Helping other students? Strengthening your strengths? Expanding your academic and social circles? Learning how the brain works best? Having meaningful experiences to add to your resume? Building crucial “soft” skills? Having a… Read more
Personal Development
Our mission is to gather together as a group of individuals and through teamwork, skill development and training, engage in the organizing, planning and follow-through of events and activities in order to contribute to both our school and broader community, while in the process undergoing personal positive growth.Be part of… Read more
Physical Education
This course is for students with an interest in recreation and physical education. The emphasis of this course is to explore a wide range of lifetime sport and leisure activities not generally offered in Physical Education at the junior level. Examples of activities include yoga, curling, kayaking, sailing and rock… Read more
This grade 12 course is an extension of Physical Education 11. The intent of this course is to give students a broader background, theory and practical skills to enter level 1 coaching certification courses.
Do you organize activities for your friends and family? Do you enjoy scorekeeping at sports events? Do you follow the stats of your favorite sport? Do you like working with others to make things happen? If so, ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP! This course is designed for students who have an interest in sports and… Read more
This course is offered to grade 11 and 12 students who want to improve their level of fitness. Completion of the course also satisfies the physical activity portion of the Graduation Transition Plan. Strength training and conditioning will provide instruction regarding a healthy, active lifestyle. It will incorporate all aspects… Read more
Click here for a short video about this course. Outdoor Pursuits 11/12 Outdoor Pursuits 11/12 is a course designed to give students the ability to explore the outdoors with the skills to plan for adventure in a responsible and safe manner. Classes will be a combination of outside activities, such… Read more
Continued development of individual athletic skills and team play; an understanding of game strategy, officiating skills and continued emphasis on healthy living, personal development and leadership skills.
Development of individual athletic skills and development of the theories of team play. Also included are the learning outcomes related to healthy living and personal development.
Pre-calculus and Calculus
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Math 11. Welcome to the wonderful world of calculus—a subject steeped in 350 years of tradition and clarification, and one which has revolutionized science, engineering, and of course mathematics. This course covers approximately half of the material in a typical first year university Calculus course… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 9.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10. A final grade of 67% or higher in Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10 is strongly recommended. Students with less than 67% should consult with their teacher before choosing this course; students with less than 67% who need to take Pre-Calculus… Read more
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-Calculus Math 11. A final grade of 67% or higher in Pre-calculus 11 is strongly recommended. We also recommend that students taking Pre-calculus 12 who are planning on a post-secondary program in math, science, engineering, or commerce/business should also take Calculus 12.
Programs of Choice
This course is for students with an interest in recreation and physical education. The emphasis of this course is to explore a wide range of lifetime sport and leisure activities not generally offered in Physical Education at the junior level. Examples of activities include yoga, curling, kayaking, sailing and rock… Read more
This grade 12 course is an extension of Physical Education 11. The intent of this course is to give students a broader background, theory and practical skills to enter level 1 coaching certification courses.
The Centre for Soccer Excellence is a way for students to combine academic goals with high quality soccer instruction, coaching and mentoring. Entry into the academy is by application. Accepted students will select from the courses below that are appropriate to their grade level. Students receive combined instruction in Principles… Read more
This course is required for all grade 10 students in the FLEX program. Curriculum Includes: Complex roles and relationships contribute to diversity of ecosystems. Changing ecosystems are maintained by natural processes. Human practices affect the sustainability of ecosystems. Humans can play a role in stewardship and restoration of ecosystems. Course… Read more
The Flexible Studies Program is a School District 61 program of choice with an application process. Nationally recognized by the Canadian Education Association for innovation in teaching and learning, the Flexible Studies Program is designed for students interested in a structured inquiry-based approach to education, where students engage with their… Read more
The French Immersion program at Reynolds allows students currently enrolled in an early or late French Immersion Program to continue their studies and work towards obtaining a Dual Dogwood. The purpose of the French Immersion program is to give non-francophone students the opportunity to develop functional bilingualism. The French Immersion program differs… Read more
Continued development of individual athletic skills and team play; an understanding of game strategy, officiating skills and continued emphasis on healthy living, personal development and leadership skills.
Students receive a combined 200 hours of instruction in Principles of Soccer and Physical Education. These hours are a combination of on-field and classroom instruction. Areas of instruction include sport science, fitness, nutrition, strength training, sport physiology, sport psychology, time-management, goal setting, leadership skills, coaching philosophies, and rules of the… Read more
This chemistry course includes mole concept, chemical reactions, bonding, electron configurations and organic chemistry. The course requires your ability to manipulate mathematical expressions to describe chemical behaviour.
Prerequisite: Chemistry 11; recommended pre-requisite Math 11 Chemistry 12 is a course that will help explain many of the chemical processes that go on in our world. Topics include reaction kinetics, solubility, acids and bases, and oxidation-reduction. There is a substantial emphasis on applying mathematics to problem situations.
This is a survey course. Earth science will include a study of astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, geological science and the earth’s history. Current global environmental issues and recommended solutions will also be considered. ***Note: Check post secondary entrance requirements before selecting courses.
The overall goal of this course is to educate students about the environment and their place in it. The course aims to show how actions can have a positive or a negative effect on our environment (both locally and globally) and thus empower youth to take responsibility and leadership in… Read more
Recommended prerequisite: Biology 11 This course is an in-depth study of the structure and function of the human organism. It includes the molecular and biochemical aspects of biology – a basic knowledge of chemistry is essential for students to do well in the course. The body systems that are emphasized… Read more
This course offers a survey of the diversity of organisms that are part of our living world. Topics include adaptation and evolution, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology and ecology. The content is a preview of the material covered in a post secondary Introductory Biology course.
Physics 11 is an introductory course that looks at displacement, velocity, acceleration, vectors, projectile motion, gravity, friction, elastic forces, Newton’s Laws, momentum, kinetic and potential energy, work, power, special relativity, nuclear processes and waves.
Prerequisite: Physics 11; recommended co-requisite Math 12; Grade 11 topics of acceleration, vectors, projectile motion, gravity, friction, Newton’s laws, momentum and energy are studied in greater depth. New topics include equilibrium, circular motion, electric force, electric field, electric potential, electric circuits, magnetic forces and magnetic induction. Strong math skills are… Read more
Science 10 continues to explore a wide range of scientific domains. Life Science will explore DNA as the basis for diversity of all living things. Chemical reactions will be studied in depth including acid-base reactions, organic chemistry and radioactivity using modern atomic theory. Physics will explore energy conservation and the… Read more
Students gain a foundation in scientific processes while exploring four strands of science. Life Science explores cell theory and various forms of reproduction. Physical Science includes matter, atomic theory, the periodic table, elements and chemical formulae. Electricity is explained in terms of static charges, series and parallel circuits and power… Read more
Science helps explain how natural changes and human choices affect global system. This course explores personal, local, and Global science. (Note: Recognized for Graduation but it is not clear whether this will be accepted for registration into universities and college academic programs)
Social Studies
This class is a history of post-WWII twentieth century world history. The course focuses on themes related to the cold war rivalry between the USA and USSR, Decolonization in Africa and Asia, protracted (and prolonged) conflicts in the Middle East, the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former… Read more
This class is a history of post-WWII twentieth century world history. The course focuses on themes related to the cold war rivalry between the USA and USSR, Decolonization in Africa and Asia, protracted (and prolonged) conflicts in the Middle East, the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former… Read more
Criminology is a high interest elective that covers a variety of topics related to crime. The course includes a study of forensic science and the techniques employed to solve crime. Case studies will be used to explore the compelling account of forensic science’s role in criminal investigation. The balance of… Read more
Explorations 11 is a course designed to provide students with a better understanding of the incredibly interdisciplinary nature of social studies. In this course students will gain further understanding in the following fields of study: History, Comparative Cultures, Philosophy, Social Justice, Human and Physical Geography
Please note: this is a full-year, eight credit course. Students receive English First Peoples 11 or 12 AND Explorations of Social Studies 11 or B.C. First Peoples 12 Students earn their English 11 or English 12 credit by taking this course. This multi-age cohort course weaves story, history, literature,… Read more
Recommended prerequisite: Social Studies 10 This course examines the historic development of the current Canadian Legal system, and courts, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Constitution. Areas of focus include criminal, civil, tort, and contract law. Students will gain an improved understanding of our rights and responsibilities… Read more
This course aims to illustrate the rich diversity of political affairs, not just in Canada and the United States, but in and across a host of nations around the world. We will discuss and analyze important roles in politics and governance, assess local, national and international governments and institutions, explain… Read more
Click here to watch a video about this course. The science of Psychology probes the depths of our thoughts and behaviours by studying current and past theories about Sleep & Dreams, Neuroscience, Child Development, Mental Illness, Brain Injuries, Fear & Emotion, Psychopathy and Theories of Personality. Through lively discussions, guest… Read more
Click here to watch a video about this course. Recommended prerequisite: Psychology 11 This course moves on to explore deeper and more complex questions in the realms of Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience. It includes experiments and research projects and encourages students to follow their individual interests in exploring… Read more
Camosun Dual Credit Psychology 12 Credit / Psychology 154 Interpersonal Relations. This course offers students the chance to receive credit for both Psychology 12 and Psychology 154 at Camosun College. . These postsecondary credits transfer to many other post-secondary institutes. The course will be within the regular timetable, but will… Read more
Social Justice will help you develop ethical reasoning skills as you explore issues of oppression and injustice in both a Canadian and Global context. You will analyze both the causes and consequences of injustice and explore viable solutions by understanding how social change has occurred in the past. Challenge yourself… Read more
To what extent have local, national and global forces shaped Canadian identity in the Twentieth Century? Social Studies 10 seeks to answer this question by studying the complex and significant historical events and issues that have influenced Canada from 1919 – 2000. Canada’s part in the Second World War, Cold… Read more
In Socials 9, students will focus on how revolutions and changes in ideology and policy can profoundly influence societies. By looking at a selection of events from 1750-1919 and examining their impact on BC, Canada and the world, students will explore how collective identity is constructed and can change over… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Prerequisite: Strings 7 and/or Strings 8 or private instruction on an orchestral instrument This course performs as part of Reynolds Music Program as well as part of the larger School District 61 Festival Orchestra with students from other high schools in the district. Rehearsal times are held outside of regular… Read more
Explore fundamentals of engineering through hands-on projects. Students will learn practical and transferable skills while building their design and problem solving abilities. Through the lens of engineering, students will explore concepts, develop solutions to problems, examine materials, prototype designs, and build working models to test.
Sample a variety of hands-on activities that are offered within Technology Education. Areas of exploration include: carpentry, woodworking, metalworking, Metal Jewelry and art, drafting and design, electronics, electrical, plumbing, power mechanics and more.
Jewelry, art metal, welding, machining, blacksmithing/forging, casting/foundry and Sheet metal are all offered in the metal shop. Try a variety of metalworking specialties, focus on the specialty you enjoy, and design and complete projects that build skills in that area.
Work in the shops to explore various workplace trades such as carpentry, metal fabrication, welding, plumbing, electrical and more. This course focuses on trades that can lead to red seal certification if you choose to pursue one as a career in future. This course is for students who have taken… Read more
Sample a variety of hands-on activities that are offered within Technology Education. Areas of exploration include: carpentry, woodworking, metalworking, Metal Jewelry and art, drafting and design, electronics, electrical, plumbing, power mechanics and more. This is a course for students new to working in the shops. If you already took a… Read more
Explore woodworking in a safe and well equipped shop. Learn correct and safe use of hand and power tools to construct class projects and projects of your own design.
The Flexible Studies Program
This course is required for all grade 10 students in the FLEX program. Curriculum Includes: Complex roles and relationships contribute to diversity of ecosystems. Changing ecosystems are maintained by natural processes. Human practices affect the sustainability of ecosystems. Humans can play a role in stewardship and restoration of ecosystems. Course… Read more
The Flexible Studies Program is a School District 61 program of choice with an application process. Nationally recognized by the Canadian Education Association for innovation in teaching and learning, the Flexible Studies Program is designed for students interested in a structured inquiry-based approach to education, where students engage with their… Read more
Theatre & Drama
This is a course for students to develop their acting tools: voice, movement, concentration, interpretation, critical thinking, research, characterization, memorization, writing, improvisations, directing and staging. The conventions and history of the stage from ancient Greek theatre to Elizabethan Drama provide a framework for this course which then examines the themes… Read more
Theatre Performance 12 is similar to its prerequisite at the grade 11 level. While students from both grades work together in the same classroom, there is an expectation that grade 12 students will, on occasion, work as directors and provide leadership to the less experienced members of the class. Students… Read more
Movement, improvisation, mime, interpretation of music, role-play, video work, script writing and analysis, and character development are some of the topics student will experience. Much of this work will require group work, so students must be prepared to work cooperatively.
Go beyond basic class videos and start making films that include multiple cameras, green screens and other special effects. Targeted skills include script writing, acting, directing, cinematography, and post production sound and editing. Students will have the opportunity to produce films that are part of school news and events as… Read more
Every year Reynolds Theatre performs a musical for parents and the surrounding community. Past performances include Music Man, Grease, and Guys and Dolls. Students are not required to have any formal singing or dancing experience to participate in this course, but they must be willing to do both. Rehearsals occur… Read more
This course offers credit within the theatre framework. Set design and construction, stage management, makeup, lighting, front of house management, and costume management are all part of what goes on behind the scenes in a production. Students will complete this course outside the timetable by working on one or more… Read more
Visual Arts
VisualArt Video Clip Explore 2D and 3D projects while becoming familiar with various mediums including pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking. Discover the elements and principles of design, learn ways to develop ideas and personal expression and explore contemporary and historic art. This is a great foundational course… Read more
Art Studio 12/ Dual Credit with Camosun Dual Credit Studio Art allows students the opportunity to receive a credit for Art Studio 12 as well as a Camosun Art credit that is transferable to some post-secondary institutions. Students will work with both a Reynolds instructor and a College Professor to… Read more
Media Art Video Media arts explores elements and principles of design using a variety of different mediums and technologies. This includes but is not limited to cameras, computers, software, props, video production, layout and design, graphics and images and new emerging media processes. Students will develop their skills through individualized… Read more
Media Design is a hands-on course where students learn about, create, assess, and curate design from the past, present, and future.Students will have the opportunity to design and investigate topics including architecture, urban planning, greeting cards, cars, commercials, fashion, patterns, fonts, airplanes, shoes, logos, movie sets, transport maps, and anything… Read more
Photography video This class introduces students to the world of photography through both 35mm film and digital photography. Students will learn technical use of cameras, camera equipment, dark-room printing and digital photo editing through programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Students will use photography to learn about the design principles of… Read more
Continuing to build on the skills developed in Photography 11, students will start to work more independently to develop thematic works more in depth that reflect personal, cultural, social, environmental and historical contexts. Students will have the opportunity to work primarily with their preference of 35mm film or digital photography… Read more
Senior Studio Arts is the opportunity for students to refine their artistic skills from a variety of different styles. Students will be given the chance to start to explore their own artistic ideas through a variety of different mediums and materials such as working with large canvases, making pottery on… Read more
sculpture video Studio Arts 3D is the study of art through three-dimensional sculpture. This includes hand building ceramics, pottery wheel and other mixed mediums. Projects will include pre-production designing, hands on creating, finishing such as glazes and firing processes, and reflections on the works of art. Students will explore studio… Read more
This foundation course introduces you to the art program at Reynolds. Explore 2D and 3D projects while becoming familiar with various mediums including pottery, painting, drawing, mixed media and printmaking. Discover the elements and principles of design, learn ways to develop ideas and personal expression and explore contemporary and historic… Read more
Workplace Math Pathway
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 9.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 10.