Robotics 9/10/11/12

Are you a creative individual that likes solve problems/puzzles and to tinker?  Do you want to create something that not only looks impressive, but also SENSES it’s environment, REACTS to stimuli, makes DECISIONS and MOVES.  Do you just think robots are COOL (because they are!) and would like to build one?

Students will create robots in an environment that is hands-on, skills-oriented, and project-based. Students cover the fundamentals of robotics and programming.

In Grade 9/10 you will learn using a kit of parts that is well suited to creative problem solving, rapid prototyping and the iterative design process to built both autonomous and teleoperated robots.  These kits will be used to solve multiple challenges, such as creating a robot that finds, grabs, collects, stacks, climbs etc. in both lesson based instruction as well as in game-based projects.

In Grade 11/12 you will use a more sophisticated robotics kit of parts and control system that, while still supporting creative probelem solving, does require more thoughtful planning as it is less suited to trial-and-error design.  These kits will also be used in a similar way to the Grade 9/10 courses, solving mulitple challenges on a larger scale and at a faster pace in both lesson based building projects, and a game-based free design project.

Students do not need any prior experience in robotics or programming, as all of these courses, regardless of grade level, are designed to develop robotics skills in students with all levels of experience.

Video Links:

Robotics 9_10 –

Robotics 11_12 –
